Audience engagement: Graphic of a megaphone surrounded by several icons

Audience Engagement Secrets Every Thought Leader Should Steal

Posting on your blog, YouTube channel, or social media shouldn’t feel like shouting into the void. You want to see audience engagement: comments, likes, and shares that indicate other people find your content valuable.

After all, the point of content marketing is to get people excited enough to take action, so audience engagement is a must for every business owner.

Whether or not you’re hitting the average engagement rate on social media, there’s always room to grow. There’s no such thing as too much audience engagement — the more interactive your posts, the more your social media accounts will flourish. It doesn’t hurt that a highly engaged audience leads to more web traffic, brand awareness, and anything else you’ve set your mind to. 

All you need is the right audience engagement strategy. Let’s look at why audience engagement is a must-have for growing businesses and how to generate more engagement from your content. 

Why Audience Engagement Is So Vital for Thought Leaders

“I’m posting regularly; shouldn’t that be enough?” you might think. Yes, posting regularly is a great way to generate reach, impressions, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). But it’s easy for these metrics to become more about vanity than results. When results matter, engagement reigns supreme. 

Audience engagement is the holy grail for any content creator, but it’s especially vital for businesses for several reasons: 

  • Learn about your audience: You could invest a ton of time and resources into conducting focus groups or paying for gated market research. Or, you could take the easy route and create two-way conversations with your followers. Audience participation is the easiest way to gather feedback from your target audience and tweak your content to their liking. 
  • Become credible: Businesses need clout and credibility to make sales. Consistent audience engagement fosters stronger relationships with your followers and positions you as an approachable expert. 
  • Build a personal brand: Audience engagement spreads the word about your brand. Since engaged followers share quality content with their friends and family, you can organically increase your brand’s reach to new demographics. 

People are more likely to take you seriously if they see a lot of interaction on your content. Whether you’re an established expert or you’re trying to gain a foothold in your industry, engagement is a worthwhile metric to pursue. 

5 Audience Engagement Strategies That Actually Work

Fortune favors the bold, but algorithms favor the engaging. Follow these proven tips to master audience engagement as a thought leader. 

1. Understand Your Audience’s Needs

Audiences won’t engage with content if they don’t find it relevant or interesting. What do they expect you to say? What do they need from you? Look at your content strategy to determine whether your guiding principles make sense for your audience’s needs. 

For example, if you’re a financial planner, your followers might want actionable tips for saving money, not jargon-laden pontifications about the state of the finance industry. If you aren’t sure what your followers are interested in, use social listening tools. You’ll gain more insight into your followers’ concerns, challenges, and interests with this data. 

Actor Elliot Page is the perfect example of meeting audience expectations. His social media feed is a mix of movie promotions, his personal life, and advocacy efforts for the LGBTQIA+ community. He candidly shares his struggles with his followers, making him one of the most famous trans men in the media. 

2. Make Interactive Content

What does your content feed look like? If it’s a series of text-only posts with an occasional emoji, you probably won’t see a lot of audience engagement. Social media feeds are chock-full of content competing for your followers’ attention — so give them a reason to look at you! 

Jazz up your feed with content like: 

  • Quizzes
  • Live polling
  • Webinars
  • Infographics
  • Virtual events
  • Live Q&A sessions

Interactive content fosters a two-way conversation that makes your audience feel more connected. That connection is crucial to continuing the conversation and racking up more engagement over time. 

Comedian Alex Edelman does a great job of encouraging engagement. His X feed is full of quips like, “Are the Foo Fighters weirdly underrated?” and meme reposts that generate plenty of likes, replies, and shares. 

But even if interactive content comes naturally to you, you still need time to create content and build a community. Growth Machine helps busy companies turn their existing content into social media posts to generate authentic engagement. It’s like having your own expert marketing crew on speed dial. 

3. Respond to Comments and Messages

One of the simplest ways to encourage audience engagement is to actively respond to all comments and DMs. Taking time to engage with your followers in a meaningful way shows your audience that you value their input. 

You don’t need to write America’s next great novel: just a quick reply is all you need. Chances are, people will see your reply and continue chatting with you, boosting engagement and loyalty.

Replying to comments is simple in the early days, but it gets more complex as you gain more followers. Engagement tools like Trengo or Sked make it a cinch to consolidate all social media interactions in one place, so you don’t have to check multiple profiles every day. 

4. Create a Personalized Experience

Personalization is a solid audience engagement strategy that makes it feel like you’re speaking directly to each individual follower. Instead of scrolling past your content and thinking, “Eh, that’s not for me,” your followers are more likely to perk up and engage when it feels like the content is made just for them. 

But how do you personalize content? Everyone’s different, but you can make content more personal by: 

  • Featuring case studies or testimonials mentioning a common problem 
  • Tailoring email drip sequences to use subscribers’ names, locations, or interests
  • Checking website metrics to see what content your followers are most interested in
  • Experimenting with dynamic content on your website, which displays different content based on user preferences

5. Measure Audience Engagement

Average engagement rates differ by platform, with TikTok scoring an average of 2.65% and Instagram scoring 0.70%. That might sound low, but it’s calculated based on hundreds or thousands of impressions. 

Regardless of whether you’re crushing it or are falling below the average engagement rate, it’s important to benchmark your progress. Check your X, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook Analytics to start. You’ll get a better idea of the types of posts and topics your audience likes to see. Google Analytics also provides a treasure trove of data on your website. 

Analytics tools are a good start, but they won’t tell you everything you need to know to improve audience engagement. One way to measure audience engagement is by using A/B testing. With this tool, you can test different types of content, formats, and calls to action to see which versions boost engagement.

If you spot common drop-off points on your site, install a heatmap to see what’s going on. This tool tells you where your audience spends the most time on your website and identifies common points of friction. 

Snag Your Audience’s Attention for Zero Hassle

Sometimes it can feel like you need the loudest voice in the room to be heard. But that isn’t really the case. True audience engagement comes down to creating quality content, being present for your followers, and designing personalized experiences that make them feel special. In return, you’ll see brand loyalty, follower retention, and growth. Get a full content team at your disposal by contacting Growth Machine today.

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