Seo for Enterprises: Graphic of team brainstorming content ideas

SEO for Enterprises: 9 Steps to Dominate the SERPS as an Enterprise

As an enterprise company, you likely already own a sizable slice of the market. Regardless of how successful you are, though, you still need to put in the sweat equity to come out on top in a Google search.

SEO can be a holy grail for digital marketing success. But most SEO marketing strategies are for small businesses. As an enterprise, you likely have thousands of web pages to optimize and a large target audience. That’s why SEO for enterprises is a different animal.

If you’re trying to maximize your SEO efforts but aren’t seeing any results, you might have the wrong playbook for the job. Let’s look at what enterprise SEO is, why it’s different, and nine tips to help you do enterprise-level SEO on a large scale.

What Is Enterprise SEO?

Like traditional SEO, enterprise search engine optimization works with search engine algorithms to rank on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs). The ultimate goal of SEO for enterprises is to improve your rankings in organic search results and increase organic traffic to your website or eCommerce store.

But enterprise SEO is different from garden-variety SEO because it specifically helps enterprise businesses overhaul their marketing efforts to stand out on search engines.

Enterprise sites tend to have a lot of web pages, so enterprises need a solid strategy behind their SEO approach. As the number of pages goes up, businesses have to adjust their SEO strategies so they’re scalable enough for thousands of web pages.

With the right enterprise SEO strategy, large enterprise sites can improve their SEO ranking in even the most competitive spaces.

9 Tips to Do SEO for Enterprises

Don’t let those thousands of web pages intimidate you. Enterprise-level SEO is possible at scale — all you need is the right approach. Follow these nine tips to master SEO for enterprises.

1. Conduct Keyword Research

Your enterprise website probably already has blogs and optimized content. But SEO for enterprises requires a different approach to keyword research. Take this time to go back and revisit your old keyword lists to see if they’re still relevant.

For example, did your old keyword strategy include long-tail keywords? These three-to-five-word phrases usually have lower search volumes, but they can help you target searchers with higher intent. It doesn’t hurt that your competitors likely aren’t targeting long-tail keywords, either. Since long-tail keywords have lower search volumes, it’s less likely that your competitors will think to target these hyper-specific phrases.

2. Optimize for Local SEO

Where does your enterprise operate? If you haven’t already, it’s good to optimize your content for local SEO keywords. By focusing your efforts on local competitors instead of the national stage, you’ll be able to carve out a bigger market share by investing in local organic search.

Local SEO makes your enterprise more visible to searchers in specific geographies. Adding phrases like “near me” or words related to your city, state, or area can help you stand out. Try creating unique landing pages for each of your target geographies to start building up a local search presence.

3. Invest in On-Page SEO

On-page SEO helps search engine crawlers better understand the content and organization of your site. That’s a necessary ingredient for effective indexing, so always optimize on-page SEO to give your enterprise a much-needed boost.

Add long-tail keywords to these components of your enterprise website:

  • Image alt tags
  • Headers
  • Metadata, like your titles and meta descriptions

You can also do more internal linking. Internal links join your web pages together and create a defined user experience. Strategically linking pages can also lend page authority to essential areas of your site, so work with your SEO team to do more internal linking.

4. Optimize Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO includes all the actions you can take outside of your website to influence your rankings on the SERP. That includes:

  • Posting on social media
  • Writing guest blogs on high-authority websites
  • Gathering quality backlinks to your site

As an enterprise, you probably already have backlinks to your site. The goal is to increase the number of high-quality links to your website. The more hyperlinks you have from credible sites, the more authority you’ll have for SEO. When in doubt, learn how to disavow spammy links to your website so you can carefully curate which backlinks Google considers for your ranking.

5. Work With an SEO Agency

It’s possible for small businesses to DIY their own search engine optimization, but larger companies require more resources for effective SEO. The bigger you are, the more complex SEO becomes. Unless you have a large in-house marketing team to help with content creation, you’ll likely need to outsource.

Experienced SEO companies like Growth Machine can handle all aspects of SEO project management so you can enjoy the benefits of regular content creation and linkbuilding. Our well-researched content comes with SEO-optimized copy, images, and calls to action to help enterprises scale up their content — quickly. See how we increased weekly organic traffic for a tech software brand by over 600%.

6. Revamp Your Enterprise Website

SEO and user experience (UX) go hand-in-hand. This is especially true for enterprise websites, where users expect your website to be fast, responsive, and professional.

With SEO for enterprises, you have the added challenge of contending with a lot of pages. This significantly increases the chances of broken links, slow pages, and outdated branding.

Go through your website and ensure that:

  • Your site loads in less than two seconds (check your page speed with Google’s free tool)
  • You have 301 redirects that route traffic to the correct pages
  • Your UX is fast, simple, and up-to-date on every page

You might need to work on your technical SEO here, too. Ask your SEO team to revamp your back-end site architecture to optimize crawling.

7. Use SEO Workflow Automation

The bigger the site, the more time you’ll need to invest in SEO. One of the best ways to get back some of your time is to use SEO workflow automation. This SEO tool uses software templates to perform repetitive SEO tasks without the need for human input. 

SEO workflow automation can:

  • Check for broken links
  • Analyze page performance
  • Calculate load speeds for every page

It would normally take an SEO team a lot of time to do these tasks. If you choose to handle enterprise SEO internally, automation can take these finicky tasks off your team’s plates.

8. Check Your Metrics

If you don’t check your metrics, you’ll never know if your SEO efforts are actually paying off.

SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Moz can help you track your rankings over time, which will tell you where you land on the SERPs for your target keywords. It’s also important to track metrics like:

  • Conversions
  • Backlinks
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Exit rate
  • Organic traffic
  • Pages per session

If you work with an SEO agency, they can analyze these metrics for you and generate reports. This way, you can adjust your enterprise SEO strategy as you go.

9. Invest in Content Marketing

It’s hard to implement SEO for enterprises that don’t invest in content marketing. Content marketing is an important aspect of SEO because it’s a ranking signal for search engine algorithms, so every enterprise should invest in high-quality content.

As they say, content is king. From content strategy to content creation, you need to consider your audience. What does your audience want to see? What questions are they asking search engines?

From social media to emails to your blogs, it’s important to share high-quality content that leaves an impression and gives value to your audience. If your team needs that extra push, an SEO content agency like Growth Machine might be what you’re looking for.

Enterprise SEO Made Easy

Enterprise SEO has a lot of moving parts, but it’s easy to do at scale with the right approach. Follow these nine tips to do better SEO for enterprises:

  • Conduct keyword research
  • Optimize for local SEO
  • Invest in on-page SEO
  • Optimize off-page SEO
  • Work with an SEO agency
  • Revamp your enterprise website
  • Use SEO workflow automation
  • Check your metrics
  • Invest in content marketing

But that’s a lot of work, isn’t it? When you need to scale up your enterprise SEO efforts, go with Growth Machine’s SEO experts. We help large businesses grow through the power of strategic SEO content.

Ready to scale up your enterprise-level SEO efforts with content strategies designed to win? Schedule a chat with us to strategize your enterprise SEO plan.

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