SEO writing: Graphic of a woman sitting down to write a post

6 SEO Writing Essentials: How We Craft Content That Ranks

Search engine optimization (SEO) has a lot of moving parts. Some folks get hung up on the more technical side of things, preferring to tweak ranking factors like robots.txt or rework their 301 redirects. Those are valid ways to optimize for SEO, but when it comes down to it, search engines care the most about the quality of your content strategy.

Not only do you need to churn out web content that appeals to your target audience, but you also have to be mindful about weaving keywords into the mix. SEO content writing can feel more complex than run-of-the-mill content marketing, but with the right checklist, you can write high-quality SEO content that gives you the best of both worlds. 

In this guide, we’ll demystify the differences between SEO writing and regular writing, plus share our six best SEO writing tips to improve conversion rates and SEO rankings in one fell swoop. 

How Does SEO Writing Differ From Other Types of Writing?

SEO writing is different because its focus is on optimizing content for search engines—without hurting the human reader experience, of course. SEO content writing should tell a story or share a message, but it has the extra goal of improving a site’s visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs)

SEO writing is different because: 

  • Search intent is important: Every piece of writing should meet the reader’s expectations, but it’s extra important for SEO writing. Understanding user intent makes it much easier to craft content that meets the expectations of your target audience, ensuring it solves their biggest problems. If you get search intent right, you’ll boost time on page and even reduce bounce rates. 
  • It relies on keyword research: The purpose of SEO writing is to show both users and search engines that your site is a relevant, authoritative source on certain topics. Search engines rely on keywords sprinkled throughout your copy to determine which topics users should consult your site for. In SEO writing, you strategically place relevant keywords throughout the copy without sacrificing the natural flow of the piece, so it’s more challenging than non-SEO writing.
  • It follows an optimized structure: Every book, blog, and article you’ve ever read follows some kind of structure, but structure matters a little more in SEO writing. Headings, subheadings, and headers improve readability, but they also tell search engines what the content is about. This structure helps search engine algorithms understand content hierarchy, improving your chances of scoring a Featured Snippet.  
  • Metadata matters: You aren’t just writing blog copy or landing page copy. You also have to create back-end content (called metadata) that search engines use to rank your site. This includes meta descriptions and title tags, which aren’t visible in your main content, but search bots rely on to determine search engine results. 
  • It requires careful linking practice: Garden-variety digital marketing content doesn’t focus much on internal linking to other web pages within the same website, but SEO writing does. It also works hard to earn backlinks from reputable external sources. This practice, called linkbuilding, improves the user experience and signals content quality to search engines. 

Ultimately, SEO writing is different because it’s optimized for search engine algorithms. It’s a more technical, strategic form of content marketing.

6 SEO Writing Guidelines to Live By

Hiring a content writer or experienced agency like Growth Machine is the best way to generate SEO-friendly copy that gets results, but some folks prefer the DIY option. Follow these six SEO writing tips to write great content optimized for both readers and search engines.

1. Master Keyword Integration

Keywords are a fundamental part of SEO writing. With keyword integration, you incorporate target keywords into your content in a way that feels natural and not forced. If you play your cards right, you’ll signal relevance to search engines and share helpful information that builds trust with human readers. It’s a win-win!

However, you don’t want too much of a good thing. Integrating too many keywords is called “keyword stuffing,” and that’s an SEO cardinal sin. Keyword stuffing hurts the user experience because it makes the content hard to follow. Search engines will penalize you for over-using keywords, so moderation is key. Go for a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords to improve your rankings without overdoing it. 

2. Optimize Metadata

Metadata includes elements like a web page’s meta description, title tag, and image alt tags. Search engines pull your title tag and meta description to preview your content in search, so it’s crucial to get this right. 

Write a concise title tag that includes your target keyword and accurately reflects the website content. The meta description should be between 130 to 160 characters and make search engine users excited to click through to your site and learn more. A compelling title tag and description can significantly improve your content’s chances of appearing on the first page of search engine results, so play with a few options to find what sounds best. 

3. Tweak Your Headlines

Sure, titles are important, but effective SEO writing focuses heavily on headings and subheadings. Headers organize content and make it more understandable, both for readers and search engines. 

Always incorporate keywords in your headlines (where it makes sense, of course). Beyond that, the headline should accurately reflect the content of the piece and get readers excited to check it out. It isn’t easy balancing excitement, accuracy, and SEO keywords, but free tools like Semrush’s Title Generator will help you overcome SEO writer’s block. 

4. Follow Proper Content Structure

A well-structured piece of content enhances the user experience and makes it easier for search engines to index and rank your content. Structure the content logically, using H1, H2, and H3 headers at a minimum. This structure lays out the content nicely and also helps search engines understand the main points of your content. 

Skimmability is also important for the user experience. Format copy with bullet points or numbered lists to present your ideas clearly. Add internal links to your content to encourage readers to explore more of your site and share link equity across your site. 

5. Ensure Readability

People aren’t visiting your site to read a bunch of formal-sounding gibberish. The easier it is for people to understand what you’re trying to say, the more likely they are to stick around. Search engines also care about readability, so write as simply as possible. 

Use short sentences and paragraphs to break complex ideas into digestible tidbits. Avoid complex words and use simple language that most people will understand. Images, infographics, and pull quotes are also great for breaking up text and illustrating key points. 

6. Make Your Writing Engaging

SEO writing has a lot of moving parts. It’s easy to forget to inject a dose of personality into your writing when you’re worried about keyword density, links, and metadata, but that’s exactly what SEO copywriting requires.

Even the best-optimized content will flop if readers aren’t having a good time. That’s why it’s so important to create engaging pieces that searchers want to shout about and share with their friends. 

Everyone has a different writing style, but you can make SEO writing more engaging by: 

  • Adding storytelling elements
  • Always using active voice
  • Mixing up the type of content. Add videos, lists, and more to keep your content fresh and interesting
  • Asking questions or sharing opinions
  • Offering insider or expert information readers can’t get elsewhere
  • Sharing it on social media to continue the dialogue
  • Incorporating calls to action to guide readers toward the next step

Growth Machine: Your Readymade SEO Strategy and Execution Experts

SEO writing is essential for boosting your search engine rankings and organic traffic. The downside is that you have to remember everything from keyword integration to readability, all while creating high-quality content that knocks readers’ socks off.

With practice, you’ll become a pro at SEO writing in no time. But if you don’t have 10+ hours of extra time on your hands every week to master SEO content writing, outsourcing is the best way to get speedy results.Tap Growth Machine’s SEO experts to create SEO-optimized, keyword-rich content designed to impress both human readers and search engines. Get in touch with Growth Machine now for pro-level SEO writing that drives traffic and boosts business.

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